What The Fees Pay For
[The following list is meant for illustrative purposes only. Fees & Expenses include, but are not necessarily limited to the following, and can include additional charges identified by the school, boosters, or band program throughout the year.]
Marching Band Season:
- Transportation to at least two away football games
- Transportation to at least two marching band state-qualifying competitions (if the band does not qualify at the first competition)
- Transportation to state competition
- Transportation to Central-North football game
- Transportation to Central-North band festival
- Transportation to football playoff game(s)
- Salaries and benefits for staff beyond the structure of a regular school day
- Uniform replacement fund
Concert Band Season:
- OMEA – transportation to district large group adjudicated events per ensemble (one trip per group)
- OMEA – transportation to state competition for those groups qualifying (use vans for smaller groups, one trip per group)
- Four (4) additional trips paid and preapproved by the District (preferably outside of school time)
- Transportation of all band equipment
- Transportation of band to events that School District does not cover
- Vehicle registration
- Vehicle Insurance
- Vehicle repair
- Property and liability insurance
- Storage rental
- Music licenses
- Music composition
- Sheet music
- Instrument repair
- Instrument supplies
- Guest clinicians and evaluators
- Adjudicator fees
- Marching band show design
- Props and visual effects for shows
- Program expenses (i.e. concert programs)
- Concession supplies
- Percussion show design
- Percussion equipment and supplies
- Color guard choreography
- Color guard equipment
- Color guard facility rental
- Drill writing and design
- Winter guard competition fees
- Band camp expenses
- Additional staff as needed (i.e. band camp)
- OMEA competition entry fees
- Bandfest expenses (i.e., security, custodial, trophies, etc.)
- Post office box rental
- Postage and delivery
- Bank fees and service charges
- Business licenses and permits
- License and registration
- Membership fees
- Office supplies
- Equipment rental
- General supplies, repairs, and maintenance
- Accounting fees
- Senior celebration
- Senior flowers
- Tiger Card printing fees
- Ridgeview Junior High uniforms
- Website
- Tents for band camp (2020 season)
- Some meals for students
- Awards and recognition
- Scholarship expenses
- Dance
- Memorial Day Dinner
- Purple shorts
- White band polo (summer shirt)
- Show shirt
- White marching shoes
- White gloves
- Routine maintenance of uniforms or uniform pieces
- Routine replacement of uniform pieces (i.e. plumes)
- Uniform replacement fund (in addition to School District contribution)
- Drycleaning white band uniforms after each use
- Drycleaning purple band uniforms after every other use
- Drycleaning of rain coats as needed
- Disposable rain ponchos
- Disposable plastic coverings for uniforms during storage
- Items needed to organize the uniform closet
- Maintenance of the uniform closet as needed
- Cleaning supplies (i.e. spot cleaner, thread, etc.)
- White no show socks
- White crew socks
- Black crew socks
- White tennis shoes
- White shorts or sweatpants to wear under white uniform
- Replacement of uniform / uniform pieces due to loss, neglect or malfeasance
- Ticket charge for football games. band competitions, or other events (i.e. Breakfast with Santa)
- Two (2) tiger cards
- Trip expenses (i.e. Rose Bowl, Senior Trip, etc.)
- Background check fees for volunteering
- Donations (i.e. Tag Day, Water, etc.)
- Sponsorships (i.e. Bandfest trophies)
- Program advertisements for Bandfest
- Spirit wear