Thank you for an awesome weekend. We had a great night for a band contest as well as even planning and leadership from the booster programs. This makes qualifying for state marching band finals even sweeter! In addition to this week being homecoming week it is also 8th grade night on Friday. We will be hosting the Ridgeview 8th grade band and invite them to perform with the Marching Tigers during pregame and the first half of the game. Uniforms We will be wearing our purple uniform this Friday. Please make sure your students are wearing the correct uniform socks. Student hair is becoming increasingly a struggle. Students with long hair need to make a bun or ponytail that sits on top of their heads and doesn't push the uniform hats back on their head. This creates a "flat plume". Flat plumes are not uniform. 3:10 - Dress rehearsal on band practice field 3:40 - Dismiss. Take uniform and instruments with you! 4:30 - PERCUSSION ONLY, report to RJHS band room to rehearse with 8th grade percussion 5:30 - Full Band Report to Ridgeview parking lot 5:45 - Warm-up 6:25 - Parade from Ridgeview parking lot. 6:50 - pregame 7:00 - Kick-off *I want to continue to encourage SAFE car-pooling and/or parent drop off. 9:30 - return uniforms and clean band room State Marching Band Finals I have requested October 29th at Hilliard Bradley for our first choice and October 30th at Piqua for our second choice. I would plan on making sure these dates are completely clear of conflicts. Once we have an assigned time and date I will pass the information on to our booster club! Parent Volunteers Because of homecoming we will NOT be performing our competition show. We have to do a homecoming activity. This makes for an easy week for parent volunteers. We will still need uniform moms and help moving the 3 podiums. Look for a email from myself or Patty regarding volunteers.
Good Morning Students and Families,
We are about to embark on our first contest of the season. We are really excited to perform 3.5 movements of our competition show Saturday night 8pm at the Pickerington Band Festival. Pickerington Band Festival Our home show is this Saturday at PHSN. Please invite your family and friends to attend and support the Marching Tigers. The booster clubs have been working very hard to organize a great show. If you get a chance, please say thank you to a Tiger or Panther Booster. This is a time consuming project for them, both clubs have done a great job collaborating. Not all booster clubs in town work as well together as our two band booster clubs. Uniform We will be wearing our competition white pants. This impacts a few details regarding uniform. Sock must be all white and students should wear neutral colored shorts under their uniform. Students need to continue to wear their show shirts for the season. I noted last Friday that many students are not following the jewelry policy regarding when in uniform. Students must not have hooped or colored ear rings of any kind when in uniform. Small ear rings are acceptable. Students must remove all bracelets and fingernail polish that is not neutral. Transportation The most important bit of parent information on Saturday night is transportation for the Marching Tigers is "one-way". Parents must pick-up their student at Pickerington NORTH at the end of the contest. This serves multiple functions, it encourages parents to come and support their child/children and saves money in our transportation budget. The band room will be open after the show if students want to return instruments that night. Ticket sales and booster help Tickets for the event are $7 per person. However, the boosters are still in need of additional volunteers. If you consider that volunteers get free admission and parents need to pick-up their child after the contest, it only makes sense for you to volunteer TODAY! It will cost $0 to help the band, see the show and pick-up your child! Saturday Timeline 4:30 - Dress rehearsal at PHSC 6:00 - Load/Change/Snack 6:50 - Depart for PHSN 7:10 - Arrive at PHSN 7:50 - Meet Host 8:05 - Warm-up 8:50 - Depart for Stadium 9:15 - PERFORM 9:30 - Awards (Seniors help present awards) & group performance of Amazing Grace 9:50 - Load percussion equipment, sound equipment, props. ****Students are dismissed to their parents after Band Fest. There is NO bussing back to PHSC!**** All,
Last week was a busy schedule for the Marching Tigers, we had a great week and accomplished so much. Before we begin covering details surrounding this week, please note that this Friday's away game is against Gahanna hosted at Thomas Worthington High School. See address listed below the timeline. Today's FYI will cover: - music check protocol - uniform update - Friday timeline - Parent volunteers Music Checks There have been many questions regarding music checks lately. We do ask members of the band to pass a very basic memorization check of notes and rhythms. This is checking comprehension and execution at its most basic form. We simply check for correct notes and rhythms. Students are NOT given a letter grade until they have passed the check. At that point students are given an A. We do ask students to help clean and pick-up the band room if a music check is not passed. This is a tangible consequence for not passing and motivation to get the assignment covered. Uniform Update We will be wearing full fall uniforms this Friday. For the most part uniforms last Friday went smoothly. There were a few things we observed on Friday that can be caught at home. - Shoes need to be clean and white - When we are wearing purple pants, students need to wear LONG black socks. We had many ankle socks which led to not passing uniform inspection. - The marching band "bibber's" have snap hems inside the bottom of each pant leg. Most students needed to pull up their snap hems in order to create a cleaner look. Continue to please make sure your student is passing uniform inspections by: - wearing clean white marching shoes - clean, long black socks - show shirt under the uniform - hair up and in the hat (when the hat is on) - neutral nail colors, ear rings/piercings and headbands. - clean white gloves (when required) Friday Night Timeline 3:10 - Dress rehearsal on band practice field 4:10 - Dismiss. Load semi trailer, eat, change into full uniform. (We will load by having students rotate through the trailer) 5:15 - Load busses (no bus swapping) 6:15 - Arrive at Thomas Worthington High School* 7:00 - Kick-off 9:45 - Load and depart for PHSC 10:45 - Arrive at PHSC * Gahanna HS is in the process of renovating their facilities. Their stadium has been demolished and will be playing football games at neutral sites for the next few years. The address for TWHS is: 300 W Dublin Granville Rd Worthington, OH Parent Volunteers for Friday Leah Varone Robin & Kevin Saionzkowski (nurse) Chris Hartung (truck help only) Jay & Ann Brandt Erin Gorgas Brittany Taylor Patricia Manley Natalie Matney Heidi Jennings (uniforms) Amy Menke (uniforms) All,
Thank you for a great week last week and being extremely flexible yesterday. Today's FYI will cover - practice schedule - uniform protocol change - Friday timeline - Fees - Parent volunteers. Practice Schedule Because of the importance of this week and lost practice time due to the parade we are shifting our practice days back. This week we have practice on Tuesday and Thursday at our normal times. This is not a last minute change. These dates have been on the schedule since July. After this week, practices will move up on Monday nights by 30 minutes. We will start at 5:30 and end at 8:30. There will be one additional time change later in the season. It is reflected on the google calendar for the band. Uniform Protocol Change Students will no longer keep full uniforms at home. We struggled last season to keep uniforms organized and clean. We even had to get the district involved in collecting a few items last year. This year all students will pick-up their uniform after the dress rehearsal and return it at the end of the game. Please make sure your student is passing uniform inspections by: - wearing clean white marching shoes - clean, long black socks - show shirt under the uniform - hair up and in the hat (when the hat is on) - neutral nail colors, ear rings/piercings and headbands. - clean white gloves (when required) Friday Night Timeline 3:10 - Dress rehearsal on band practice field 4:10 - Dismiss. Take instruments with you! 5:30 - Report to Ridgeview parking lot. Students park in grass lot closest to C3 church. (on the ridge)* 5:40 - Warm-up 6:20 - Parade from Ridgeview parking lot. 6:45 - pregame, Combined with North 7:00 - Kick-off Pay to Participate Fee As a reminder, this is a SCHOOL FEE from the district and not a booster fee. The district's policy on unpaid district fees can result in your child not participating in marching band. I fully anticipate the district to enforce this policy this week. Please make sure you are current on all school fees. Especially the band PTP. If you are experiencing financial hardship you may apply for payment plan options with the Athletic Office. Feel free to email me with any questions regarding this matter. Parent Volunteers for Friday Emily Haverfield Amy Menke David Horton Jay Brandt Patty Richardson Ron Winters Theresa Garee Laura Telfer Orville Williams Brittany Taylor Natalie Matney |
Nathan StoweMr. Stowe is Director of Bands at Pickerington High School Central. He's in his 11th year of teaching in Pickerington and 19th year of his career. Mr. Stowe holds two Bachelors degrees in Music Education and Performance from Capital University and a Masters of Music from the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. Archives
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